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Repid framework: simple to use, fast to run and extensible to adopt job scheduler.

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Here is how the easiest example of producer-consumer application can look like.


import asyncio

from repid import Connection, Job, RabbitMessageBroker, Repid

app = Repid(Connection(RabbitMessageBroker("amqp://user:password@localhost:5672")))

async def main() -> None:
    async with app.magic():
        await Job(name="awesome_job").enqueue()


import asyncio

from repid import Connection, RabbitMessageBroker, Repid, Router, Worker

app = Repid(Connection(RabbitMessageBroker("amqp://user:password@localhost:5672")))
router = Router()
async def awesome_job() -> None:
    print("Hello async jobs!")
    await asyncio.sleep(1.0)

async def main() -> None:
    async with app.magic():
        await Worker(routers=[router]).run()


Repid supports Python versions 3.8 and up and is installable via pip.

pip install repid

There are also a couple of additional dependencies you may want to install, depending on your use case, e.g.

pip install repid[amqp, redis, cron]

Why repid?


Repid is built around asyncio. It means it's pretty fast. And you don't have to worry that it will slow down your other asyncio-driven code.

Ease of integration

There is an abstraction layer on top of other queue solutions. It means that even if repid doesn't provide some broker out of the box, you will be able to write your own.

Built with microservices in mind

Your producer and consumer can be running in different containers, repid will handle it just fine.

Can be used with other languages

Repid uses json (de-)serialization by default, which makes integration with other languages as easy as possible. You're also able to easily override default (de-)serialization behavior thanks to PEP 544 Protocols.

Integrated scheduling

Repid has its own scheduling mechanisms. You can delay job execution until some date or even execute it every once in a while. No need for extra dependencies!


Repid is inspired by dramatiq and arq.


Repid is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. Please see for more information.

Repid's logo is distributed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license. It is originally created by ari_the_crow_.